It’s bound to happen at some point. 也许支票没有在你期待的时候兑现,或者你不小心在度假上花了太多钱. Overdrafts happen, 但是你可以做一些事情来帮助你控制自己的财务状况,避免尽可能多的透支费用.

1. 直接存款 

设置你的薪水存入你的账户可以节省你的时间,并帮助你知道你的资金何时会存入. Needing to make a deposit into your account can cause delays, but with direct deposit, you receive your paycheck into your account immediately. 另外,在Arbor直接存款,您可以提前5天收到您的薪水与提前支付*.

2. Have an Emergency Fund

紧急情况时有发生,尽可能做好准备是很重要的. Having an emergency fund, 当你的孩子生病或你的手机坏了时,你可以转账,这可以帮助你避免透支或使用信用卡来支付费用.

3. Keep Track of Your Account Balances

确保你随时知道你的账户余额,并记录你的交易. You can check your balance online, through our mobile app, or by calling our membership services team at (269) 375-6702.

4. Sign Up for Overdraft Protection Coverage

在阿伯金融,我们提供许多不同的透支保护选择. Adding one of these services can help reduce overdraft charges.

  • Link to 储蓄 Account: 钱会从你的储蓄账户中转出来,以匹配你的支票透支金额. The charge is $5 for each overdraft. There are no limits on transactions.

  • Flex 信贷额度 Transfers: 钱会从你的信用额度中转出,以匹配你的透支金额. 每笔交易要收5美元,外加信用额度上的利息.

  • Courtesy Coverage: Coverage is available for members who qualify. 这项有限的服务包括支票和自动电子账单支付,但不包括自动取款机和日常借记卡交易. A fee applies each time you use this service+.

  • Courtesy Coverage +: Coverage is available to qualifying members. This comprehensive version covers checks, automated bill payments, everyday debit card use and ATM transactions. A fee applies each time you use this service+.

    如果您需要帮助设置透支保护选项, 网赌最好最大平台! 

5. Set Up Account Alerts

Set up alerts for low balances, deposits, and transactions. 这将帮助你了解你的账户活动,避免透支. Click here to learn more about Alerts.

6. 制定预算

制定预算可以帮助你更有效地管理你的钱,避免超支. We recommend creating a budget that gives a job to each dollar of your income; so, you know exactly where your money is going. For help creating a budget, visit our partner Green Path.

7. Use 汽车matic Payments with BillPay

为账单和经常性开支设置自动付款,以避免忘记付款. +, when you set up your BillPay, you will set a date for the payment, 这样你就知道什么时候可以从你的账户中提款了. Click here to learn how to set up BillPay.


Schedule an Appointment


*通过提前付款服务,直接存款和其他自动结算所(ACH)信贷最多可提前5天存入您的账户. 提前支付服务取决于存款何时从发送方发起并由信用社接收, 我们不能保证存款会在预期的结算日期之前寄出. 信用合作社不负责由于不可预见的情况延误投寄. The Credit Union, in its sole discretion, may determine whether certain deposit payments, 矿床类型, or member accounts are excluded from the service. 提前付款的条款和条件可随时更改,恕不另行通知. Not applicable to business, loan, or mortgage accounts.


+详细信息请参见会员和账户协议. For specific fee information please see the Fee Schedule.

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